BMC & citizens of Malaysia vs. Grand Saga & federal Govt.

The courts have spoken. The civil court today dismissed Bandar Mahkota Cheras (BMC) residents’ application for an injunction to stop Grand Saga from building a barricade on the alternate toll-free road.

The federal government has once again dug its own grave by commenting so dumb-ly over the BMC issue. Works Minister Mohd Zin Mohamad who took over from the infamous Samy Vellu after GE08 has come up with a statement which proves the inability of the government in handling such basic issues which is for the sake of humankind in Malaysia.

I am outraged by the whole issue of BMC and the road closure. The road is on state land and only the state government has the right to close / open / dismantle / remove the road. How on earth could a developer of a totally different project close the road just to increase their revenue from toll collection? It is simply a business deal! Probably made by the government.

“The opposition’s action in dismantling the barricade recently had sent a wrong message to the business community in the country,” Mohd Zin said.

“You (Selangor government) are sending a very wrong message to the business community as we are talking about the rule of law, we should just let the court decide (first),” he added.

He said that as he singled out Selangor state exco Ronnie Liu who was quoted in the media reports as ordering the barrier to be dismantled.

Source: Malaysiakini

First of all, the Selangor state government, Pakatan Rakyat, had not just come up with a conclusion by merely saying what they wanted to say but by having a survey team checking on the area beforehand and proving that the road belonged to the state government. Not Grand Saga, which is not so grand anymore and neither the Federal Government, which is to be known as the “business government”.

The barrier should not have been there in the first place. Grand Saga has got no jurisdiction on that part of the world and has therefore no right to put up any barrier whatsoever to prevent commuters from using the road. It is the right to all Malaysians as to which road they choose to take and use in their daily lives.

As to what is being potrayed now, there is a strong feeling that the then state government may have agreed to Grand Saga on the closure of the road which would then force all commuters to use the Grand Saga Highway and pay toll and increase revenue for Grand Saga and possibly there would have been an incentive for the BN-led state government before March 8.

Selangor executive councillor Ronnie Liu said a Survey and Mapping Department report had shown that the land on which Grand Saga Sdn Bhd had earlier erected a barrier to stop residents from using a toll-free road was state land.

“Even before the survey, the state government had ample proof that the road was on state land.

“And until today, the highway concessionaire has yet to show documents to stake its claims,” he said at a press conference at the site yesterday.

Source: The Star Online [May 11]

Mohd Zin basically should start reviewing what has been said first before speaking out to turn the issue into a battle between the 2 governments – federal and state – which would cause a major lockdown and stir up unwanted emotions from the citizens of Selangor and Malaysia.

The court has been on this case since last year. Narajaya the developer of the toll-free access road filed a court case on Oct 4 last year. Until now no solution has been given by the court. The state government that owns the land on which the road exists has come up with a better and fast solution on the matter and thus lessening public grievance and also fulfilling its promises in improving public delivery.

The police on the other hand – the part-time sibuks, full-time wannabes – just had to show their colours on thursday night. Not only did they knowingly whacked a Member of Parliment (MP), they also damaged his car and caused chaos in BMC. If not for the police presence, everything would have ended peacefully. And they said that the public was causing nuisance

Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng, who claimed he was injured during Thursday night’s commotion, said he admitted himself into the emergency ward of Selayang Hospital on Friday afternoon as he was in pain.

Relating Thursday’s events, Lim said: “A plainclothes officer grabbed me from behind and some burning hot liquid was blasted into my face, which temporarily blinded me. I then felt punches and kicks all over,” he said.

He said his car was damaged – tyres punctured, wipers ripped off, surface scratched and a number plate broken.

Source: The Star Online [May 11]

By looks of what happened on thursday night, the police is definitely not neutral. Residents were forcibly dispersed from the site by the police using tear gas and water cannon. The police claims that the residents were “menggangu tugas keselamatan pihak polis” (interfering with police security duties) which is why they had to use water cannons and dozens of tear gas canisters fired into the crowd. The police for sure would not have done that if it were a bunch of BN supporters on the roads that night.

How can the police take on the side of Grand Saga? Did Grand Saga pay the police? Did the federal government instruct the police to do so? Only God knows the answer. But as for us Malaysians, the trust on the so-called Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) has gone way lower than expected. Not only is the malaysian media controlled by the government, now the police force is also controlled.

As a deeply concerned citizen and student, I want to know, How would the future be in Malaysia? Is the police and government going to merge and be like the Junta government in Myanmar? Somebody please refresh me with answers. Thank You.

God have mercy on Malaysia.

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